Combined Heat and Power Published On: January 30, 2019 For combined heat and power applications, efficiency is the focus. A traditional generator set will achieve on average a 50% efficiency rating, whereas combined heat and power generators can hit peak efficiency at nearer 75% (an alternator typically hits 90% or higher in efficiency). STAMFORD® and AvK® industrial alternators are capable of working in a combined heat and power environment in order to achieve prime rating results. There are a number of applications suitable for a combined heat and power environment and these include generators operating in colder climates, supermarket retailers, temperature monitoring applications, hospitals and bio gas among others. Combined Heat and Power Prime Movers Gas turbines (inc. micro turbines) Steam turbine Fuel cells Stirling engines Reciprocating internal combustion engine If you would like to learn more about the ways STAMFORD® and AvK® alternators can power your combined heat and gas application contact our applications team. Download our Application Guides