STAMFORD® alternators power four emergency GENESAL generator sets at the Royal Spanish Mint Published On: May 19, 2023 Genesal Energy were approached by the Royal Spanish Mint to design four generators to guarantee power supply at all times at their new towering building in the Vicálvaro district of Madrid. The design of their new headquarters takes into account efficiency and sustainability criteria, both in terms of energy and materials, in order to reduce the environmental impact. From a technological point of view, the factory will be equipped with the most advanced printing machinery and equipment, which requires a constant source of electrical power and therefore, first class emergency equipment. The generator sets will be used to provide back-up power for the building and auxiliary services. After carrying out a detailed study of the site, and in order to achieve the required power, Genesal Energy designed four units: two 630/700 kVA units, one of which has a synchronisation panel with mains return without zero crossing, one of 1,000/1,100 kVA and a fourth of 1,250/1,400 kVA. All powered by STAMFORD® alternators. STAMFORD® alternators were selected because of the exceptional quality, reliability and power needed to equip the gensets. STAMFORD® alternators are not only built to last and but are engineered to work with a range of alternative fuels and sustainable applications. For more information on the full range of STAMFORD® or AvK® products and services visit Remove Banner Image Off News Categories Product News